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Would learn to hack for a woman like B

Would learn to hack for a woman like B
I also have friends who know how to hack πŸ‘€
Ofc. But there are levels to it. New people are called script kiddies. I do work for the government and have high clearance levels
Yes, but everyone can get into such a job if they have experience and know the field
Isn’t that basically any job tho πŸ‘€
Must be clever 🫢🏻
I’m very clever and talented, so they say πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ‘€
Yes like anything lol but some fields take a very long time. But anyone can do anything with time and a passion
So, of course, it has its challenges and everything, but sometimes it can happen that they don't get anything in time and don't get any information, but I don't know how they can work, i'm really interested to find out more and to hear because i have no experience with this πŸ‘€