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he had a class so he left💀 boyki, i'm waitin on him to come back and teach us how to be men and go at war and all💀

he had a class so he left💀 boyki, i'm waitin on him to come back and teach us how to be men and go at war and all💀
When celia was still here she was talking ab him and I was told to MRWORLDWIDE IM CRYING
Oh yeah and then I was threatenint boyki to catch these hands but I was falsley accused of hum being ther so he never saw my threats and I never brought it up since
nah the idea of gettin all macho and shi here is crazy😭 i literally had tears talkin to the guy and he his btch with him, another dude just tryna talk shi to women on here
😭😭😭 everyone acts tough on here
not me cus i let you in my walls😔
stop before i slap it on the phone🥵
stop before i slap it on the phone🥵
Lol ikr
that🤤 but i'd love slappin that face with my hands instead just lookin into your eyes being deep inside you, breakin all walls🥵
they've all got it in a sock, stop💀
they've all got it in a sock, stop💀
That’s hot af