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I'm the sweetest one here

I'm the sweetest one here
Pretty pretty savage 🎼
Dashy I think you scared Sage, and he's gone
No I'm scared of no one. And Dash can never hurt me.
The Sage Returns!
Hahahaha. I'm here. On a bike actually. But my heart is here on the GC
For Dashy, we know
one of the reasons why i hate ppl
Hate is a very strong word. You could say dislike.
i’m strong too, it’s okay
Aren't you being a lil too strong for me today? 😏
i had to be, to tamper your words
So sweet 😭
Get off that bike, or stop using your phone
I'm a little baby sitting on the back. Soo girly I know
But we indian. We live in extremes lol