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They know their wives won't put out after dinner

They know their wives won't put out after dinner
They put out before
I doubt it. Men ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ after they hit it
If your wife canโ€™t cook, you already lost ๐Ÿ˜‚
peak gender equality here lads
Now imma feeling bad, cause imma bad at cooking
but that dont make u less of a woman tho
Oh I heard a lot of things about this. That Iโ€™m not a women , if Iโ€™m bad with cooking or not having kids
No thank you. Woman can work too or building their own business
No thank you. Woman can work too or building their own business
Yes, do it in America
In Germany .
My apologies
Thatโ€™s okay.
Thank you
Big L
Yes for the future absolutely. We Germans are fcked with the system and taxes