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Are you really from Mumbai?

Are you really from Mumbai?
Yes I'm from Mumbai Kandivali. But ready to relocate 😝
Umm after you drop in my dm? Bags are packed 😂
Dont say umm
Give me a reason to do that
I'm currently ignoring a few dms I got in the last few minutes and taking on a GC which I rarely do. For a single girl here.
How do I know you've got a few DMs? There's barely anyone here to text you.
You just have to trust me or see the Ss when I share it with you hon
you’ve to trust too that she’s worth relocating for
Am I not detox? You forgot your classy?
you are 😚
Woah. I think I do trust her. She is careful. She is soft spoken and Hella sarcastic. Enough I guess
I don't want you sharing screenshots. I respect everyone's privacy.
That is just sooooooo simpy dude. How can i possibly support this
How do I prove DMs? My love alone is not enough to penetrate her hard shell
Maybe just dont look so desperate b
She asked me if I know sarcasm. My desperation is my sarcasm
Oh god staaaapppp😂