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seeing a brand new side of VG today 😭😭

seeing a brand new side of VG today 😭😭
Hmmm for some reason I thought you knew
you keep it clean in the other room 🤭
Because no one brought it out yet🙂‍↕️
can’t tell whether i should feel insulted on behalf of the fam or nah-
Do not. Ive seen you🫢
I haven’t 👀
Man listen😪💕
She that cute huh
I like her face. Even before I saw a full face
so ur calling me uninspiring, got it-
Lie again
i hear liars get rewarded in this room, so maybe i will 🌚🌚
This explains so much. Something tells me you’re getting more than what you expect
no comment ☺️
Shade being thrown😩😩😭