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If your ex called you an “obese whale with a personality disorder” and “an ungrateful unmedicated self absorbed b*tch” amongst other things behind your back would you ever get back with him?

If your ex called you an “obese whale with a personality disorder” and “an ungrateful unmedicated self absorbed b*tch” amongst other things behind your back would you ever get back with him?
That’s real love 🥺🫶🏼
How so
Getting back with an ex in general is crazy
People do and they get married and everything
Then divorced
Lol I saw one that helped him get sober and now they’re planning their wedding
And eventually he will relapse it will be to much for her they will divorce and it will be worse than the break up was
Why do you think that
Cause marriage isn’t easy and the stress will become to much and he will relapse again