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I’ve drank before. Just not in my country.

I’ve drank before. Just not in my country.
Drinking is great
I enjoyed it
What did you have to drink
The usual. Beer, vodka, jager, and some Soju in Korea.
Pretty heavily night good on you
Oh that wasn’t all in one night. I went on holiday in Germany and Korea a few times.
Ahh fair enough was gonna. Say sounds like a propper British p1ss up
lol yeah I think I would have either died or gotten pregnant if I drank all at in one night. lol
Not a good night out if it doesn’t end in a pregnancy scare 😂
Pregnancy without marriage is illegal here. So not with the risk.
Fair but that’s a pretty tough law
What happens if you wanna get at it before marriage just be extra careful?
That’s got to take the fun of it damn
Yeah. It used to be you couldn’t even get a hotel with the opposite gender with showing a marriage certificate.
Seriously that’s ridiculous
They changed the law on that recently
That’s good it’s becoming less strict
Yeah. Even women can drive now. So we’ve almost caught up to 1950. lol
lol you’ll be able to drink in public in about 30 years
lol I doubt we’ll ever get that free