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Dash really must think I'm a super erratic young Genz when he replied on my messages in the chat šŸ˜‚

Dash really must think I'm a super erratic young Genz when he replied on my messages in the chat šŸ˜‚
You're not a genz
I could be a Gen X or Baby Boomer šŸ™Š
Now don't scare me Millennial.
What are you?
You tell me that
Millennial I guess!
No I'm a GenZ. What are you?
Millennial šŸ˜¢
Yeah so GenZ begins from 1997
I was slapping neighbors during this era
And you haven't stopped ever since. Earlier with your hands, now with your words.
Hahaha. I slap with other things too but don't wanna get banned just yet
Detox effect uffff
iā€™m nice wym
seek jesus christ