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Nash don’t have to try for nuffin

Nash don’t have to try for nuffin
I Neva do. Trying is for losers
Me right here I never try nothing
Neva try nuffin neva
Ain’t got nuffin to bother nun
Ain’t nothin but a thang 😎
Boo thang
True, she already have em all
But I want more of nuffin ✨
I’ll be your nothing, cos nothing lasts forever 😌
Ooooooh tha a nice play of words 💀
Not me im unhaveable except to my babes
Bruh? U the definition of “pimp”
Just cuz ladies like me doesn’t make me a pimp lmfao 🤣
Make u have able
Nuh uh I don’t let em take me.
Now u just being selfish 😂💀
Or haff Kane cos Cane and Abel
I’ll be the sugar to your cane
🤣🤣🤣 da juice wrld
He died :
No one really dies I’m told