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And she's wear one of my fav color RED!

And she's wear one of my fav color RED!
All colours are you fav buddy as long as a woman wears ir
Whats yours?
Mines blueeee
Navy blue is oksy?
The colour of sky
All kinds of blueeee
Im wearing one
Proof or it is a lie
🌚 i stop dropping
Bad soap drop traumas? πŸ‘€
πŸ’€ lurkrts ss you pic n used to catfush
It’s okay if someone steals your pic to catfish. Good luck to them to reproduce. πŸ’€
Its happens fr lol way back lots of people used tge app
Yeah but they can’t really fool anyone with that tbh
You better START dropping
Take them offf
the truth in this!! hahahaha