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Gaybol spent a full day complaining that i blocked a bunch of people and was so desperate to get my attention whie i ignored his begging from gay lobster

Gaybol spent a full day complaining that i blocked a bunch of people and was so desperate to get my attention whie i ignored his begging from gay lobster
Who is Gaybol
Heโ€™s the gay one, not me
Maybe u both were a couple
Nah hes dating hubie
Who is hubie
How do you know ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
They flirt daily
Is it true
How do you know they flirt
Youโ€™re gay
Because thats why i had to block them both
Ah ok I guess
Whoโ€™s gaybol?
Aahhh Gambol
idk you