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πŒŒπŒ„πŒƒπŒ΅πŒ”πŒ€ πŸ’‹πŸ got some gaming planned on your weekend?

πŒŒπŒ„πŒƒπŒ΅πŒ”πŒ€ πŸ’‹πŸ got some gaming planned on your weekend?
Well I’m on fort rn, idk about the rest of the weekend. Depends on if I get plans or not haha
I’m currently visting my parents for the weekend so if I have any time on my switch it’ll be handheld and I can probably guarantee that be Balatro πŸƒ
Ohhhh gotcha. I’m usually on fort or cod. Others games too depending on what sounds good that I buy or is on game pass haha
I’ve never played fortnite. Wouldn’t even know if Nintendo has had COD games released on their systems πŸ˜…
I wasn’t a fort girly by any means, only more recently got into it. I’m enjoying it though.
What platform do you play with?
I’m only on switch. Been a Nintendo boy virtually all my life. Although I’m probably suffering from some fatigue
Ahhh okay. I’ve been Xbox for quite some time. Had an N64 back in the day haha and old PS2 as well
The only Nintendo I skipped was GameCube because at the time I was really into WWE so I had a PsOne then PS2 for Smackdown games. After that I went back to Nintendo with Wii. In hindsight I reckon I would have still loved having GameCube
I’m currently playing on ps4 for many years but before that I had Xbox 360 and earlier than that was ps1πŸ˜‚
Is PS4 still supported with games? Or is the focus now PS5?
It is supported and still some games come for it but the main focus is definitely on ps5
I wonder what will happen with switch support once the switch 2 is released.
We must wait and see I think πŸ˜„
Fatigue?? Why what’s wrong?
On my switch I had bought the most games ever for a single console. I don’t always have the time to play and I don’t put in the hours that I used to when I was much younger. I’ve found I’ve not even enjoyed some of my idle time when gaming
Yeah when we get older we can’t enjoy that much anymore. It happened to me too.