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Breaking the law

Breaking the law
I’m not breaking the law I’m training to be a solicitor so I’m act on the other side but I have to meet with some barristers tomorrow for a case so Yh I need to sleep or else I won’t be able to function
good luck !!!!
I don’t need luck πŸ™„
sorry sorry have the best day ever bae x
Ofc you don’t. Slayyyy πŸ’…πŸ»
😭as if you said this
Uhmm who else
jus didn't expect it 😭😭😭
He did, I’ll slay just for you ISO
queen fr😭😭😭😭
Girly pop fr
so slay
Get that bag queen.
You better or I’ll be disappointed
I will I shall let u know how it goes later
I’ll be sad if you forget to lmk
Remind me then
tell me first
I’ll tell u all at the same time πŸ™„
i should be priority omg πŸ’”πŸ™„
Ofc u are πŸ™„
thankyou πŸ™„
I might not see the message in the group
Remind u what
ugh we can't disappoint the queen
All the best for tomorrow!