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I feel like a rich dide wouldnt be on this app of all things ngl, thas js sad

I feel like a rich dide wouldnt be on this app of all things ngl, thas js sad
real i would be sleeping while making money.
You are
And you are living in dream land while you stroke your little stubble
Nah I got thick bear, even the ladies can feel it from 6 metres away
I would go to the doctor then that might be cancer
That’s a cell issue!
Could be call for amputation
My last client cursed me almost
Because she got excited for nothing 🤣🤣
She actually got excited with what I had in my pants but I didn’t let her loosen up
Because it was so small you couldn’t loosen her up
You misread, I said I didn’t let her*
Didn’t or couldn’t. I mean you can say anything behind a keyboard. Mr “rich”
Well I would knock you out if I could too, at least I ain’t h🅾️rny like you
You the one that’s been going on about the bean in your pants. So sure
Well it could mean anything not just a bean so look who’s dirty now
Ow boo hoo I’m so scared he is going to knock me out ow no what do I do. Ow wait that’s right I don’t care
You desperate for lady attention
Nope you the one who pays them to get in bed with you