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Yo how yall getting mad at someone on an anonymous app

Yo how yall getting mad at someone on an anonymous app
ivey made sure hes not anonymous on here w his 6 selfies bro
No because I donโ€™t care if people pull up to my house Iโ€™m pretty sure I have better priorities than a random getting all pressed over my pics
all ts over the word twink btw
not pressed but like it was kinda aggy to see the same guy 6 times n being all dramatic saying you ugly when you not
male pick mes
istg js doin so much for no reason
???? Dude is leaving rizzler alone rocket science for you?
Itโ€™s cool Ivey wasian was just joking ๐Ÿ’€
the most
Im ugly tho but what i dont want to see is the world being ugly
bro what
He donโ€™t wanna see ur ugly ahh attitude Sharon
n whos talkin to you? last time i checked i was talkin to ivey
This is the attitude that needs workin on sharone
same goes to you. ion got an attitude im js sayin bru
ts mf mad at a female ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป