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I don’t like strawberry anyways.. sooooo

I don’t like strawberry anyways.. sooooo
Oh you don’t, damn strawberry is gooood
Nope. I don’t don’t like berries 😂
Oh my, nooooo that’s sad
Nah I’m good. Hahaha I’m not a fruit person😂
Okay lmao 😆 what do you like then? Chocolate? 👀
Nah. I don’t like chocolate much but I’ll eat Cadbury chocolate or anything milk chocolate. I don’t have sweet tooth tbh 😂
😆😆 you’re such an exotic person
Hahahahaha not my fault. It’s just I grew up without having candies around me. I’ll eat chocolate but not often. Very seldom 😂
😂😂 I love them sour candies though that’s my thing.
Hahaha how’s the cavities? 😂😂😂
Welp I try not to go to that level 🥴
Hahahaha my mom used to be me lots of canoes and I never eat them and thank god I don’t care bout candies. 😂
😂😂😂😂 lucky you!
My teeth are lucky hahaha
For sure haha