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But many creatorts blocked meπŸ˜ͺ

But many creatorts blocked meπŸ˜ͺ
I got banned for my coments
Hehe i like you
I dont like to be banned πŸ˜”
And old guys too
I never ban them i just dont answer
Block me harder
What do you consider old
27 but i have nothing against the other ages its just bc im 23 😭
Dang so I’m old old
Stop it Leo
What’s your real age mix
Noooo it isnt about being old its just old for my age 😭😭😭😭
I gotcha
what about 25 year olds that feel like 72???
I feel 72 too all the parta of my body are in pain
Our age dude
33 ain’t old tho πŸ’”
Yes i agree but im 23 its just it 😭😭😭
Yeah I suppose lol
Give him a chance πŸ₯Ί
Why dont you give him a chance?
I'm not a gurl and also I'm unavailable
You was a girl early
I can be whatever i want on anti
I know but it is what it is i get blocked a lot