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If she hooking up with you she def not straight

If she hooking up with you she def not straight
my sentiments exactly buuuut... thats the worst situation you can be in hahahaqh
Just enjoy it but dont get attached. Dont let her string you tho
Ooh she’s prolly into just receiving. And closing her eyes only to take the strap
hahahahahaha... she is very sub and it making me ssooo attach!!
No wonder
ooouff and the chase! DAAAAMN if she dont hear from me she go crazy!!
i tried leaving but she cried and it broke my heart!!
She’s manipulating you
she prolly really is!! and i am such a softy!
Bud. Im gonna cry if you dont buy me a house and cars
Hey! Don’t leave me out!!!!
Never bb
hahahahaha i got her a car. Granted its not new but i still got it! hahahha
Let her cry dammit.