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However, correlating the physical to the mental is not always the most useful way to look at it.

However, correlating the physical to the mental is not always the most useful way to look at it.
well you right but there is duality mental need physical to exists also there is higher function where parts of brain work together as whole each part contribute
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. Duality exists only in the mind, you're still looking at it from a fundamentally physical perspective, which is false.
it is like a car each part contribute to make it move and each one have special function... ohh yes I agree making a limits will create "virtual limit" and not making the system develop more out of that limit
You're heading down the right path here, but you're still stumbling in the dark a little. Yes, that is how the physical reality of this dreamworld works. But the Mental is fundaMENTAL. Physicality exists only within the mind.
ohh yes I know what you mean... The paths are infinite in numbers and destinations each road have crossroad with all the others we decide when to stop and where to go
Ayyy you're getting there. Follow that through to it's logical conclusion and origin.
yess if there is a truth there are infinite ways to tell it it each one have each path but the destination is one 😂
yes I totally agree neuron placidity and mind over matter with enough determination 😂 I am not simplify it but I probably I know
See you say that you agree, but then you mention physical neurons in the same breath as if it has any relevance. 😋 But do whatever works for your path, no hurry, if this frame works for you now, use it. Discard what is not useful, and your path will narrow and clarify.