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the memories when i used to have my console
I’ll share mine with you baby
okkk πŸ€— i do like to play games
Play games with me πŸ˜‰
ight bet πŸ™‚β€β†”οΈπŸ’―
We can play drunk Mario kart. Loser has to kiss the other!
Through the slow internet. W move
Nah she gonna have to come over.
Can i just be the loser
Ya alr there bbg
hm idk you may lose that one, i played that a lot few years ago 🀭
Oh darn. Then ill have to kiss you πŸ˜‰
That’s he’s goal πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
ok but what guy would willingly lose a game πŸ˜…
Gimme dem lips baybayyyy
One that wants the reward
lmao true
Right babes?
i pose sooo
That was so unenthusiastic πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ