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I take almost nothing as an insult. 😂

I take almost nothing as an insult. 😂
smells like doo doo and caca 🤢
smells like doo doo and caca 🤢
It’s actually so funny that you’re acting this way. Most times people only act this way are actually hella insecure.
It’s actually so funny that you’re acting this way. Most times people only act this way are actually hella insecure.
Ya know what’s crazy about that. Is it’s usually a projection of oneself.
Ya know what’s crazy about that. Is it’s usually a projection of oneself.
chat, i think he’s raging 📸🤓
chat, i think he’s raging 📸🤓
I didn’t say it so 🤷🏻‍♂️ and I didn’t look at myself either. So that also doesn’t make sense. But you do seem like the type to project your feelings.