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Everyone needs someone

Everyone needs someone
Huge a tree
I like the big ones
I bet
You asked
Good night
Only thing u need is 4 wheels and money
But yet you here speaking to random ppl
I just got on today after being off for months
Stop capping is cause you bored and lonely is all good
If I was lonely I’d be out the house not online 💀
We all like venting
I would’ve not been on here if I was in my hometown cause I would’ve had something to do or someone to chill with just saying
Thinking you’re needed isn’t a good look
Idk what that has to do with what im saying just stating facts
Your fact might’ve been true 2 years ago when i was mentally ill
I hear you glad you’re healed then
No im simply smart
That’s good for you again don’t know what that has to do with what we was talking bout
I’m telling u this because if u were more like me you wouldn’t need to project your own attributes onto me