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They will be some girls who fall for that trap

They will be some girls who fall for that trap
Just men that catfish them
I dont thankfully…after talking to them i can tell if they are a dom or nah lol
samesies lol
Come test me 🌚🌚🀣
Okie coming πŸ˜‚
Good girl 😏🀣
Good boy πŸ˜‚πŸ€­
Pat my head while your at it 🐢 🀣🀣
Which head? πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
Ouff Jen not in public 🌚
Sorry ops πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š
Its okie, you can make up for it later
What is to be done for that πŸ™Š
Hey u got my chains lol 🀭
Come here and try get them back 😏