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This is giving me dejavu for some reason

This is giving me dejavu for some reason
I get that all the time
Consider me intrigued for some reason
I’ll put that down right next to you never being wrong πŸ“
Are you trying to seduce me ? Its working
Maybe I am who knows πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
I’m falling in love guys. Forget that 11 years crush…
I’m putting that in here too πŸ“ Already 3 pages impressive
3 pages ? How big are your letters 😭😭😭
I’m writing in oversized crayons πŸ–οΈ
Ooo there’s a very important note πŸ“
I just got back from work and I should be sleeping but you’re keeping me up. Write that down too 😘
I ran out of crayons πŸ–οΈ 🚫
Just tell me you don’t like me 😭
You got upgraded to the oversized sharpie markers βœ…
πŸ’ ?