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what did you guys eat at dinner

what did you guys eat at dinner
Food ๐Ÿ‘€
are you italian
No lol
I made an A class lasagne tonight
Recipe please
Canโ€™t share publicly haha
Why??? Tell me what veg you used and I can tell if itโ€™s a class
Italian food you keep really simple. Few ingredients. Good steak mince, onion, garlic. Mushroom, puree, red wine, beef stock. And to be fair I made a homemade cheese sauce instead of bechemal works better I think
your avatar is very cute๐Ÿ’š
Whereโ€™s the Mirepoix? Or the red wine?
Celery and carrots and not in lasagne
Think again ๐Ÿ˜‚
hmmmmmm how A class
Top top
so maybe YOU are italian
Nope just an English man who loves cooking good food
oh you're English...
What did you serve it with?
Min e with veg and gravy and roast potatoes
Pasta with fresh made pesto, shrimp and sun-dried tomatoes