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not gon lie tho i do really miss her! She was really good company

not gon lie tho i do really miss her! She was really good company
Ler her be. Its better in the long run
ya i kno!! doesnt mean it dont hurt hahahahahaw
Well open your dating apps and start find new one
but we bounce back like a rubber ball hitting concrete—stronger, faster, and ready for more.
nah. i am no good at dating app! i need them in front me!! hahahaha
Then go to walmart and cast your fishing line
lmfao! i am in no rush. i dont need to relationship to be happy
Then just adopt me. I need house and cars
me too
A verbal agreement is considered legally binding
LMFAO spoken like a true person in finance ahahhahahaha
Danggg. How you im in finance?
bro! you told me. I forget things that easily hahahahha
Really??? Danggg, looks like im not a smart girl to be in finance.
you're in finance bro not tech! be nice to yourself grasshopper! you call us for help hahahhahaha