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I love scene girls tho ☹️

I love scene girls tho ☹️
They’re so cringe trying to too hard to be sad 😭😭😭
Oh nah if their arms dont look like a tiger ION WANT EM
This was a wild era
Man now a days it’s just for clout 😭😭☠️
Okay wait sorry, thighs* then you know its not for attention bc its hidden
See you’re learning
Perfect thank you thank you
Ofc ofc I got you nuffs
If you know any mentally ill women pls send them my way
everyone has some kind of mentality issues these days so bet bet
Only if they act like Joe from You
The standards 😭😭
They are pretty high i know i know
Everything is high with you nuffy
What does this even mean 🧍‍♂️