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Cat I really will give it to you if you want it. Fr

Cat I really will give it to you if you want it. Fr
No more bro. She said she wants to be left alone
Well if she wants my debit card information then I was going to give it to her
She clearly doesn’t
Give me that
Behave yourself
I can’t because this love of mine is making me go crazy
You read to much fanfic
I haven’t read one fanfic I’m my whole life swear
Definitely have
You call other woman pretty, I can’t trust you
Did I fumble
One or none fr
Every one is pretty in there own ways but you cat are the prettiest of them all
That’s not helping your situation
Fr, bro just admitted he was talking to other gurls
Actually. Not okay at all
No I’m not. You can go through my phone if you don’t believe me babe
You mean you’re mental
I want your card 👉👈