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Imma get my gf pregnant tomorrow

Imma get my gf pregnant tomorrow
and you were worried about lea cheating on you earlier πŸ™„
fr fr πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ½
i would say i’d get you pregnant tomorrow but im not financially ready 😭😭
we’ll wait bb 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈
You’re infertile
infertile doesn’t mean sterile, more creampies for me i’m not complaining
i’m very fertile got my analysis some days ago
You’re a 304
you have 104
chat i gotta be very careful 😭😭
Nah, don’t risk it
but the breeding kink is too powerful 🫦
respect the grind
More like the grinding
i’ll let you know when she comes over
That oh is so innocent you poor thing
LMFAOOO idk what i walked into
you walked into lea about to get pregnant from my doing
no i hope not………….
i hope birth control works πŸ’”
oh !..
We can take turns
nah you said you got your own girl πŸ™„
I can have 2
i won’t f u even w another girl pssy
Yeah you will, I’ll give you money
Can’t relate -v-
Takes 9 months bud
Fk her πŸ˜‚
That’s hot