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he looked like sht at the inauguration

he looked like sht at the inauguration
Show ur forehead again racist
u can be my little femboy at this rate
u can be my little femboy at this rate
u can be my little femboy at this rate
I’m not a femboy for racist ppl
lemme slide my finger in ur bewty πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
that would make youuuu my little gay boy actually silly
that would make youuuu my little gay boy actually silly
Sounds racist
Sounds racist
Sounds racist
only to you :3
in ur, worthless, opinion :3
in ur, worthless, opinion :3
not reallyy😭😭 you sound like a snowflake ngl
Did u just tell me to gang myself
yes :3
shrimp :3
femboy :3
femboy :3