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I hate country pop

I hate country pop
I have like a 20 step shower routine if any of us smell it UUUUU
I’m not the one who wanted spray that smells like soap
Soap smells amazing
Yes but if you used soap everyday u wouldn’t need a spray that smelled like it
damn you still on this bruh
I hate smelly ppl
Exactly leave me be 😭
Please I'm not trying to argue with ur logic leave me alone 😭
Will do stink
i wasnt with you on the soap perfume but I'm with n this guy on your as bruh give it a rest
Lol iss funny seeing her mad. Lowe me
i dont think she mad bru she more of confused
Confused cuz she dont understand the concept of soap 🤣
Perfume intensifies the scent that's already there.we finished?
its why its apart of showering
She won’t understand that