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Hobi & Minat/


Hey f 23 tx 🤗 hmu
How's everyone
Not too bad. Just working. How are you?
I'm alright. I'm also working
Hey everyone! I'm new to the group.
post your room link
Welcome I hope everything‘s going all right
It is! Thank you. How are you doing this evening?
It’s not evening I mean it’s in the morning
For me it's evening lol
Where are you from?
My girlfriend is in the military
I'm from Tennessee
I’m gonna invade your country and from Germany
It still does the same thing for me here Belle 😭
What do you mean?
Oh Belle has been trying to get me into her group but my phone don't like her link
Android vs. iOS funsies and such. But I also never realized there was a military group so I kinda fits here too
Well I'll be. I'm not sure.
We'll get 'er configured out
im also from TN southernbelle
I'm not from TN.
I’m back 😇
Good to hear
Where did you go
I vanished for like a year lmao
Where did you go
Life happened
It be like that
Life be chaotic
That's true
Well happy to see you back
Thank you
Whatcha up to
I was sleeping , I went to bed so early last night
I went to bed early also
Anyone wanna talk
Hey thoughtful
What's going on