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SSeattle πŸ”πŸŒ²

Who wants to meet at the ferries wheel today
Comic con anyone?
I'm hitting up Sakura con I go every year
When is the best time to hit it? Every year I am either too early or too late.
Shoot for early on the 19th
Or the 18th
Never been there. Should I?
It's quite fun
Also since I volunteer at the Seattle go center for the go booth every year I get in free
Good to know XD
Fun DM
Hello! Visiting!
Any ladies like the Sounders?
Whaddup Seattle ✌️
im bored and im in seattle
I invite you to a chatroom 'Vancouver πŸ™': https:chat.antiland.com6ppHidtB0L
We all bored in Seattle XD
Anyone up for fun
But Comic-Con tomorrow
Anyone up in the kitsap area
Hello πŸ‘‹
From Oregonmilwakie! What’s up?