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>>> Girl when from telling me โ€œshe loves meโ€ t... Tomato tomatoe, dudes do the same sht. Choose better btchs, youโ€™re the problem for Investing in mediocre ass women
Any guys got a ๐Ÿ•?๐Ÿฅต
>>> Tomato tomatoe, dudes do the same sht. Cho... True
Hey you know what
Any guys got a dog?
I got a job application
Tf y'all rambling about
Need it ?
>>> Wow they only want me for my fat Bring it over here, I want some chasu pork
Idk nothin will make u wanna drive 130mph into a tree like a woman
oh sh
Bat likes em thic
I invite you to a chatroom 'โ„•๐•  ๐”น๐•ฃ๐•’ โ„‚๐•๐•ฆ๐•“ โ„ข': https:chat.antiland.comeHdVSRYxNC
Josiah u stupid
Never stressed over a woman and never will
Send it Nate
Bro I can get you in just helping you cherry ๐Ÿ’€
I did the applications for my ex brother in law and got him hired
He got a job? Why does it matter
Ima fill one out fk it
It doesn't
Get nights cherry trust me
What kinda job
Get days
Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™d do I donโ€™t wanna be around people
Ima fool for love I suppose
Stocking for Walmart
I can also help with a lead position as well or maintenance
Oh nvm I thought I could do it on my phone when I was bored ๐Ÿ˜”
Damn y'all all jobless
Where the ladies at
Nah I just left work but I be bored at work
>>> Ima fool for love I suppose No youโ€™re just an idiot who falls for the first girl who lays eyes on you. Love yourself a little more have standards
Filing out an application is fun
I hate it here
Cow just give her your pp
And leave
Love yourself less
Everyone only wants me for my pp๐Ÿ˜”
Give all your money to an only pans model
Stay stupid Josiah itโ€™s ok
Iโ€™m a human too ๐Ÿ˜”