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Oh my bad!!!
Are u his girl or something? My fault
Bruhs any women here
I do doggy style
Yes they're together
Ok bb
I take back my comment lmao
Mireadea christ spanish dude
I am so sorry
F doggy
They got married back in June I think it was?
Whoever down for sexting
You and rem, Larry
2 Mexicans? Lol
Is the dolphin that jellyfish ?
Remember you got really drunk and said the wrong vows
I'm lost
I gotta be careful talking about women that way, that’s my bad fr forgive me
Caked up
>>> Is the dolphin that jellyfish ? Ye
Ohh lol
Blew sceen
Flash. Stop spilling the tea.
My bad
Who’s flash
Oh I thought rem didn't like naggers
This bro was gone
Who are y’all fr
Some ape
I think
She cheated
No she dosnt she likes nigggggg
But you remember when fressa spilt her drink on your maid of honor?
I can’t help being rude 😔
And Larry got pissed off
People of Walmart
Ain't been there or donet