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Ok eyana come here Iโ€™ll hold u to sleep
Looks like that girl likes buffets and mickeyds
She need aquaphor
Damn this game thoooo๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
Or cortisone 10
Porkie su before I feed you to the wolves
I could use some aquaphor rn
My hands are dry
You wouldn't
She looks like the type that drinks steel reserve tall boys
You love this pork ass
I have aquaphor chapstick with spf in it
Hey there bby girl u know u wanna talk
>>> I have aquaphor chapstick with spf in it Lemme borrow it
Did u get food rem?
I see something similar.
Hola cherry
Yes. I forced myself to adult
Sup cabe
U destroy any buffets lately
Sounds horrible rem
Remy ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Lol maybe? I dunno.
What's wrong Larry?
I miss you
I miss the old me. Ha ha.
Rummy u crush any buffets ?
I bet eagles get in field goal range cuz shiii t fake
>>> Lemme borrow it Okeeeeey
Nope. No biggets are open.
Bbc herr pm
I don't miss the old you
Hey, Cherry, do you ever listen to Ellitot Smith?
Herr or here?
You used to lie a lot
You didn't know the old me. Lol
Most people lie here
Hola enyana
And I wasn't lying back then either. It was sarcasm.
Yes rem
Heโ€™s cool
Riiiight sure sure
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