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IIstanbul in English

Anyone here
Hi I'm here
Me too
Hello turkish beauties
Hello here
Hi mercia
Hey beautiful people
Hi πŸ‘‹
Hello everyone
I heard that it’s snowing in Istanbul
Hope you guys have enjoying the snowing weather
Hi morning to all!! My name's Daniel, I'm 24 years old and live in Brazil....
Welcome to Istanbul Daniel..
This group is dead silent
Hi, my name is Marina. I just back to Russia from Istanbul. Have spent a joyful week in Istanbul.
Hi marina. Hope u enjoyed the snow in Istanbul
But we might to talk, right?
Only first day was snowing. I enjoyed every day )
hmm sounds like a fin trip to u.
⚽️I invite you to a chatroom '🎾 Football ⚾️ Tennis πŸ€ Sports': https:chat.antiland.comAWL4Yx2Rv6