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Any lady’s want to chat or owt dm me
Lol what
Shes so ugly lol
Thats defo pooja
And poor asf
Hi Londoners
Pffff that’s hardly a burn bro
>>> 📷 Looking good Nifty 🥰
>>> 📷 Nice photo
>>> So youre not pooja? Elaborate
I invite you to a chatroom 'Live Pics 📸': https:chat.antiland.comEzxKIydAtR
Nice nails CC
If the blister bursts it will burn
>>> Nice nails CC Thanks
>>> If the blister bursts it will burn I don’t think it’s a blister yet
Pooja patel i missed you
Missed you like a genital wart under the shaft
>>> Thanks Who blocked me now?
Any lady’s want to chat or owt dm me
A dog called Mac maybe
Yes okay from now on im pooja patel
Fkn machine? 🤣 Ofc
You always were pooja
Ara is so third world ugly lol
Bi hmu
>>> Ara is so third world ugly lol Mac, time to take a nap
Umm no my moms bday party is soon
and i got the Ex to drive me cause i want to get high
He blocked me cuz I exposed him 💀
i really need help 🥺
>>> Umm no my moms bday party is soon Okay? Gift her your absence
Message blocked for violation https:www.antiland.comenuseragreement <#
this isn’t pooja
stop pretending to be her
su machine you’re dumb
I need love
>>> Umm no my moms bday party is soon I’d try to slide up in her when she drunk
Genuine men msg me
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