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Smh biatch
I will not support unethical women biatch
Blue bird... come suck my diiiih biatch
Ummm did you see what app you’re on πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ biatch
Hey I’m new here biatch
Soulja boy biatch
Get it going biatch
Unethical hahaha bitch pls
Easy Peasy biatch
Yall funny biatch
Hold your horses fellas πŸ‘Š biatch
Y'all funny biatch
Haha biatch
πŸ˜† biatch
Look at Golu brining the peace lol biatch
Great biatch
You are just words, I don’t care biatch
LMAOOO biatch
>>> Look at Golu brining the peace lol biatch Yess deer
Then go away biatch
Peace and love all we need biatch
Don’t talk to me you illiterate biatch
Oh I get it. Blue bird has a pp but wants to have a taco biatch
It's taco Tuesday yall biatch
Let's love each other biatch
Hiii biatch
Whats this bitchs problem
It’s an open chat biatch
Girl priv biatch
Oh yeah biatch
Wait if I’m illiterate then how am I typing and reading biatch
Cute biatch
Zu did you ever get the machine biatch
Hahaha biatch
Lady Buggy spittin facts. Eat that whores lol biatch
And that's the bottom line biatch
I can only read in Spanish biatch
Idk what's going on anymore. I'm just here lol biatch
Cuz golu said so biatch
Who asked you? Keep quiet biatch
Easy Peasy biatch
Must be nice biatch
Just chime in biatch
Hold your horses fellas πŸ’ͺ biatch
I used the wrong debit card so it didnt go through biatch
And Bye biatch
Bruh biatch
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