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No stress biatch
How’d that work πŸ’€ biatch
Hahahah biatch
Fuck. Sorry Aubrie!!!
Yeah shes not drake biatch
Easy Peasy biatch
That's great biatch
Ew Drake. I never liked him. biatch
This mf needs to su πŸ’€ biatch
And you’re ignorant.. stop taking if you can’t take it back biatch
Hahahaha biatch
Lmao biatch
That's funny biatch
LOVE IT biatch
Lol biatch
Wop wop wop wop biatch
Sexxy red for president biatch
Lets go biatch
What the hell is a woman you can't say something like that what if they're neutral gendered or maybe they decided not to have a gender at all today biatch
You already know biatch
─=≑Σ((( ぀ β—•oβ—• )぀ Chippy biatch
πŸ¦πŸ‘€ biatch
Hahaah do it biatch
The pride flag has turned these women into trash biatch
Greggy πŸ€— biatch
Stfuuu biatch
Easy Peasy biatch
Hold your horses fellas biatch
Drake stole that one guys flow too biatch
Said no one biatch
Bar for bar biatch
Blue bird aint foe the girls lol she needs to be canceled biatch
Nothing biatch
Word for word biatch
Crying for attention fr biatch
What's that biatch
Drake don't write his own bars. He never did lol biatch
Tit for tat biatch
Not the biatch
THANKS biatch
Hahaha biatch
lol biatch
I will not support lewd women biatch
Great biatch
I cant spell today biatch
He stole em biatch
It's amazing biatch
πŸ¦πŸ‘€ biatch
Oh yeahh biatch
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