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😏Married & Flirting

You’re a tough guy
you can't hit me back because ill kick your ass
You can handle it
Can you handle it though
I can’t handle if
I hate when I can’t sleep πŸ₯Ί
Giiirl I can’t ever sleep
It's never a fun
Four more hours at work for me
And hooked on phonics didn't work for me
Crash πŸ€›
What's up
what happened to all the boobs
Yeah... how long have you been gone krusty Krabs
I have no boobs sorry
i don't know.... not quite a year
It's a long story.....
Anti made some changes without telling apple...
Apple pulled the app from their store....
Yep, it's only the web version. I think the censorship has been LAX a little but I haven't really tested it
It might be 🀣🀣🀣
Well then
that was a question...
I'll behave
Dude, is that you in the picture
don't be an ass sancho
You know damn well that's a Google
Definitely me in the Shrek one
How's work
0 well since it's finally after 2 most of my stuff starting
meat sticks are all rolling
Time for the 3am crackheads
Thankfully not too many of those. Just depends on what's in the area. Luckily no events yet. Some construction but not much. I'll get busier as the new developments. They're building start getting finished in the next year
Well at least I got most of this stuff done
πŸ‘€ Issa Only men hour?
Anti is dead everywhere
As it should be
Hey kaitlyn