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>>> Any hot men I naturally run hot πŸ”₯
Hotter when pizza is involved lol
My booty is big af
dang, can i borrow it? I need it so i can look good in a dress
I would give it to u if I could
My partner also has a huge butt, god really does have favorites
lol my ex hated that my ass was bigger than hers
But she ended up loving it lol. Just a little jealous
Coffee is yummy
Thunderbirds fans with black n gold mascot t bolt
Zoe it’s been a while since I seen you on here I feel like
Do you t h u n d e r b I r d s fans
Moon horse!
I do not know the Zoe? Pleasure meeting you 😊
Sup michael
I'm from near Buffalo NY so I'm close to Pennsylvania so it counts
>>> Jay!!! Who you doing cool cat?!
I'm doing well! How about you?
>>> I'm from near Buffalo NY so I'm close to P... Nope but buffalo Dave and busters is kool
>>> I'm doing well! How about you? Same just exhausted mentally
I feel that
My cat came back. Meh
Yea. Nothing bad just lonely lol
Aw I'm sorry 😞
Good evening
Zoe a cat just walked himself inside earlier today. Twice.
Your cat now
He came back and is jist..hanging out in my kitchen lol
Hey Chad!
Hi Zoe!
Hope you are well
You too
>>> Aw I'm sorry 😞 It's all good just blind sides ya lol
It’s okay. Just changes I am adjusting to
>>> It's all good just blind sides ya lol That it does
Hope it goes well chad
>>> That it does Yep yep
Hey y’all