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This is why im sleepy around this time
Ive been getting up at 6am
But tomorrow off right?
But already full day
Busy day tomorrow?
Laundry, mechanic, i have ro bring my old bed to the garbage , get out the clothes that im not gonna use anymore
Spring cleaning almost
Ooooo fun
Yeah very funb
You're getting a new bed?
>>> You're getting a new bed? Yeah
I want a bed sofa
Remember i told you?
Congratulations 🥳🥳
To have more space
My mom doesn't want me to
She said i need a good bed
Cause i sleep lots
You definitely need a good mattress
So your back doesn't hurt
Will see
Maybe i just get a small bed instead
Yeah think we'll before buying
But i feel i will not like it 😂😂😂😂
Hate the spamming thing
You're gonna miss your old bed
Im waiting for you to talk before sending what i have in mind
>>> You're gonna miss your old bed King to a single or a sofabed definitely
The spamming
I just hope you don't fall down
I cant send more than 4 messages at same time
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