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Kirim dan terima pesan anonim

Dapatkan aplikasi untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan 💌 anonim

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Australia & Oseania/

AAussies and friends 🇦🇺🩵

Hello everyone? What’s happening is this a new group or?
How do I get more karma sorry guys I’m knew here I don’t understand
Good chat guys haha
Hi nurse how are you?
Where abouts are you from?
I’m nsw How about you
And I’m good thanks How are you doing
Hey that’s cool I’m Sydney
I’m doing ok still trying to figure out this app lol
I can’t seem to talk to anyone only like in groups it’s weird
I’ll message you
Oh yay ok cool
Idk what I’m doing wrong lol
Can you reply to me or see my messages
No you haven’t messaged me yet haha
I did
Go to the private messages part of the app
Why can’t I see anything ahha
It’s not there lol
Why can’t I just message you haha
I’m so confused