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PPalestinian’s 🇵🇸🤍🍉

Dont engange with that duck. He is a lowlife who has nothing else to do in life. Ignore and block.
Yeah, just report and block
I do
terrorist is just a name that colonizers give to the indigenous people who refuse to capitulate.
those who colonized the whole world are trying to convince us that resistance to colonialism is terrorism.
You guys you do realise its the same person just creating new accounts
zionism = terrorism
I mean I come from a country that colonised but you have to keep people separate from governments
yeah i get what you mean. it’s important to separate the actions of governments from the people themselves
corrupt governments
Yes indeed
Guys that duck got banned
But they will be back
We'll get them banned again
who tf bombs hospitals?
Should have seen the NYC march just yesterday
And day before white people carrying banners Israel is a terrorist state
And to get rid of Israel
Just a few more nails left for the coffin
Time is coming when Zionists get wiped out and the world won't bother to batter an eye
This time no remorse. It's not the Arabs the Israelis need to worry about
Arabs may keep prisoners for religious purposes but we don't
shoo ziønists aren’t welcome here dawg
ziønist empire will fall
What a brilliant tactic. Trying to defeat Israel by taking out protests and that too in a land thousands of mileskms from Israel
>>> Time is coming when Zionists get wiped out... Remind me. Which place has turned into an utter rubble now? Palestine or Israel?
Seriously.. get out of your Fantasyland
Pro Palestians are 🤡🤡
Exactly dude 🤣
Hamas are criminals
They think Israel is getting defeated if they take out anti-Israel marches
And that too in cities nowhere near Israel
How can these people be sooo deep into their Fantasyland
Really blows my mind
Arabics countries they dont care about Palestine
No arab country wants them
Because they are backstabbers and plunge whatever country they seek refuge in... into chaos
Exactly !