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🌸Friendly πŸ’– 🚫 Drama

I'm finishing up cooking!
You’re home already??
I been home...since 7:30am
Oh yeah… i forgot πŸ˜‚
I was like you just work close to home.. turns out closer than I remembered.
Lmao 🀣 I wish I worked close to home. That would be very convenient for hybrid
I work 3 feet from my bed though
Yes very true!! Just roll over and you’re at work lol
Yep! That's the game plan every morning
I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday
Same here kev
Hello kev and jem πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
Sameee!! I’ve been counting down lol
Joshy πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
I’m caught up btw but idk if kev is
Which show wahaha
On survivor
Joshy πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
I am caught up πŸ‘€
I'm just going to go and say I don't like the green team 🀣
Wahaha why
I like Mary and she will do good
Kevin knew he will be blind sided and dude did
I like Mary too...that's it 🀣
Kevin was letting his ego get to him
Yes survivor
Why does Sai hate Mary so much??
Did i miss something? πŸ˜‚
She wrote her name down
That's legit it I feel like πŸ’€
I don’t know Mary has nothing
She reminds me of the under dog
Hoping Sai goes home soon now
Same here she will
Legend hello
Hey Joshy πŸ€—
How are young doing πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
Legend πŸ‘‹πŸ₯°
Hey Kev✌🏼😊
still @ work buddy howβ€˜s you ?
What it means when theres a dot before someones name on anti
Does that mean they deleted the account
Idk tbh
Coffin means they are gone
I see a dot not coffin