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Amerika Utara/

RRhode Island USA

New to RI. Can someone show me around or let me know of any good restaurants
What do you like to eat?
Dm me
hey whos around
Dm em
Dm me
Dm me too I guess
I’m bored af
Dm me
Finally in RI
But it’s so boring
Any good places to spend the weekend around here
Where are you in RI?
Not really. Wait until summer when the beaches open up.
Winter time kinda sucks around here.
Dem me
This is a very perplexing photo
It's not the greatest AI pic is it
I hope that’s what the secks robots look like in the future
Except the head. I want swappable heads.
Its fake
Hey, is there anyone on?
In newport
I know that, Alice. I know 😭
Dm me
DM my bunghole
The Great Cornholio!
Looking for a fwb and mutual hookup today
Anyone up for fun
Hey guys I’m new here