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Super tough at lesst bonus wasn’t as azz as the other day 😂
Way too early for me to get hungry
Pls I’m eating rn but just a lil haven’t ate since I ate yesterday 😹
You need to eat enough at least lol
I am don’t worry
I usually eat once to twice a day so I feel that 😂
an early dinner and a late dinner 😂
Me usally dinner ☠️
A little too early for that
Fair fair
I dont wanna know if your playing me keep it on the low
Your heart can’t take it anymore?
You thunk shes so cool and I know
Talk to emmm
Thats so true Gracie Abrams
Takes me in my head to when I was a teenager
And happy
When you were just a wee lass
Oh nah nahh
Idk might put a noose around my neck or something
Say it ain’t sooooooo
Sad girl hours
You remind me everyday im not enough but I still stay.. feels like a lifetime just trying to get by
Do it
I will give u da rope
R u the one trolling in ld
I dont see this person's messages
Ima go back to crying
I’ve missed u
U will be missed
i missed u hermanito
cry well
How r u today
still sick getting better tho and urself?
I’m getting a lil better as well my allergies haven’t been as bad
hello lobster
Hoochie lobster