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Where's bingo?
Bingo all us old folks come out
It’s not an old folks thing 🙄
It’s dinner…drinks…and designer bags
Bunny you're old too
It's ok
For old people
yaga that’s rude
I'm old
old is hawt
Im.not hawt
Never met a female named Gary before
Now you have
Yeah I’m out ✌️
Not really, I don’t know who that is irl
Later bunny
I’ve had enough of the bat today
That's cool bunny
Yaga that was roooood
Well shut on me.then
what did yaga do to bunny?
Yaga tell us now
i’ll knock him out where he stans
Have you had enough of me?
Where he STANS
sinna no one could eva get enuff of you
Yeah you can watch ur gonna get so full of me
I mean beet
imma get filled with you
that’s different
Yall do know I've known bunny a while
still won’t be enough
Hmmm yall need to drink bottle water that tap got you crazy
Alright, now we're actually up
Im a fat guy with a little 🍤 i like being watched. Any ladies Interested?
I doubt it bro
I like purses! I can't follow the flow of the chat....
I carry a murse
I also like dinner .... There's dinner too? Where is this ?
You carry a Satchel. For your Manpons.
Bunny is